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These webpages demonstrate several ways to use Flowplayer HTML5, hand-coded HTML5 tags and Audio J-Player in WebPlus X8. They also provide a way to check which techniques and which media file formats actually work in particular web browsers or mobile devices. Most of the media files have embedded labels or watermarks to show which file format is actually playing.
Most of the demos contain “fallbacks” demonstrating how to ensure that the video & audio files can be replayed even in older web browsers. Screenshots show the settings used.
Note. The bitrates were chosen to conserve website bandwidth. Higher bitrates; higher quality.
FlowPlayer HTML5:
1. MP4 file only, with fallback to MP4 replayed using Adobe Flash Player plugin.
2. MP4, WebM, OGV files, with fallback to MP4 in Adobe Flash Player plugin.
3. FLV only: Web browser needs Adobe Flash Player plugin.
Other Methods:
4. YouTube Player from WebPlus X8. Direct hyperlink provided as a fallback.
5. YouTube & Vimeo Players from WebPlus X8.
6. SWF Flash file, using the WebPlus Flash player.
7. Animated GIF.
Hand-Coded HTML5 Video Players:
8. MP4, WebM, OGV files, with fallback to YouTube, plus a direct hyperlink to YouTube.
9. MP4, WebM, OGV files, with fallback to FlowPlayer Flash to replay MP4 version in Adobe Flash Player plugin.
10. MP4, WebM, OGV files, with fallback to FlowPlayer Flash to replay FLV version in Adobe Flash Player plugin.
11. WebPlus X8 Inline sound player, and a hand-coded HTML5 version.
12. WebPlus X8 Audio J-Players.
Audio files are from the YouTube Free Audio Library.
Video files are copyright 2014 Premlanka.com